Term 1, 2025 Watercolours - Intermediate
The EntranceIn this 8 week course students will be led through a series of excursies to grow their understanding and confidence with watercolour painting. Each week a different aspect, topic or subject matter will be presented so that students can get a sampler of possible future avenues to pursue.
Materials List
-A4 to A3 pads of watercolour paper. Arches 100% cotton 300gsm recommended.
-A series of brushes. Nylon/Synthetic round brushes recommended in a range of sizes (small, medium, large) at least one larger (approx size 12) brush ideal.
-Watercolour paints. If you do not yet own paints, we will discuss possible brands, colour palettes to invest in during the first week of term.
-Paper Towel or Rag for blotting -basic drawing materials: HB pencil, eraser, sharpener -acid free masking tape
Term 1
12 Feb 2025 to 02 Apr 202512:00pm - 3:00pm
The Entrance
Find out what you need to know before visiting here
$275(m)/$290 (nm)
Must be booked in advance. We recommend booking at least four weeks before the event.