Term 1, 2025 Flora and Fauna Basics
Gosford Regional GalleryThis class focuses on both the art and science side of nature. Students will learn about mediums, materials, and techniques for depicting in art plants, animals, and/or other nature subjects. A different organism, technique and/or medium is introduced/featured each week. Students will be given scientific information about the organisms featured. Students may work in their medium of choice. This class tends to attract repeat, experienced students. Confident beginners willing to learn and experiment are welcome. Tuition will be tailored to individual students, and student requests for information and tuition re: mediums, techniques, art history, and/or organism are encouraged.
Materials List
BASIC LIST: Graphite pencil materials, which are also useful for all other mediums. Graphite pencil(s). My top recommendations: HB, 2B, 4B, 2H, 4H. B pencils are softer, darker and smudgier, and range from B (1B) to 9B (softest). H pencils are harder, lighter in value, and retain their point much better. They range from H (1H) to 9H (hardest). HB and F are right in the middle.
Sketch paper- You can use any white paper for sketching. However, sketch paper is not ideal for a finished artwork. It is best to make preliminary sketches and experimentations on sketch paper and then transfer finalized sketch outlines to better paper to then be worked on further (e.g.: painted, inked, details added, etc.).
Tracing paper- Can be individual sheet or in a pad. Handy for transferring image to better paper and for planning composition.
GENERAL: Eraser (kneaded and/or white plastic), mono pencil eraser (optional), small bit of fine sandpaper (not black), Sharpener, container for shavings, measuring tool, e.g., ruler, protractor (optional), Divider tool or compass, Mobile phone with app for taking colour photos and for converting into grey scale, better art paper for final drawing/painting.
OPTIONAL: Light box. For Molly's classes at the Gallery, she has light tables on hand. For Molly's Entrance classes, she doesn't always have one available. You might wish to invest in a portable and inexpensive A4 (or A3) LED lightbox (optional). We also have access to windows! You can also use old school methods with tracing paper or with a pencil rubbed on the back of the image to be transferred.
Term 1
11 Feb 2025 to 01 Apr 202512:30pm - 3:30pm
Gosford Regional Gallery
Find out what you need to know before visiting here
$275(m)/$290 (nm)
Must be booked in advance. We recommend booking at least four weeks before the event.